What is Walkfree About?

Walkfree teaches the principles of spiritual warfare that are in the Word of God to give you the tools to walk free of bondages and dysfunctions you may have in your life. This teaching coupled with prayer ministry can bring the freedom in our life that Christ purchased for us through his blood on Calvary.

Am I Ready for This?

 If you are asking this question, you probably are because you have already taken the first step in seeking options to help you. This type of ministry is different from just regular counseling. There is a spiritual dynamic that comes into play when you address the oppressions and strongholds in your life. Simply, the enemy doesn’t want to give up the holds he has on you and a lot of times, really most times you have to press in for ministry. It can be a real struggle the day of your appointment. Please keep in mind that this is not counseling. It is prayer ministry.

Who Do You Work With?

I  minister to individuals that have completed the Walkfree Conference, either  in person or the online course. I do not provide individual care to men one on one without someone present of the same gender.

What Issues Do You Help With?

You are welcome to email me for specific ones you have. Don’t feel condemned. Don’t feel that your issue is to bad to talk about. There is healing in God’s Word. There is no condemnation or judgment, just unconditional acceptance, freedom and healing.

How Much Do You Charge?

I do not charge fees. This is a ministry and all donations are tax-deductible. There is a suggested donation of $60.00 per hour. Sessions may run 2-3 hours at a time.

Where Do Sessions Take Place?

I primarily meet with clients in person but at this time phone or over Zoom with a webcam is possible.

Still Not Sure? Take 30 Minutes?

Jumping into coaching or pastoral counseling can be a little scary and it is understandable to be hesitant. To give you some peace of mind, I offer a complimentary 30-minute consultation. This consultation will give you the chance to get to know me, discuss why you’re considering deliverance and answer any questions, and see if we are a good fit. The consultation is conducted privately over the phone.


You Can Skip The Consult……..

If you know what you want and are ready to get started, you can complete the proper forms below. You will be contacted via email within 24 hours of receiving your submission. If after reviewing your submission, We feel you are not a ready for ministry, you will be notified via email. You will be expected to pay for your first session once your first session is scheduled. Payment for coaching sessions can be made online here.